

Our Co-Owners,
Our Unique Advantage

Hundreds of HKBN supervisory and management level Talents have invested their own savings in shares to become Co-Owners of our company. This unique voluntary scheme ensures that our Co-Owners have 'skin-in-the-game' alignment with the company and shareholders to drive our growth, such that if company KPIs are achieved or exceeded, our Co-Owners get to share in the success via bonus shares.


Together, we have hundreds of Co-Owners who share a vision and entrepreneurial passion to lead HKBN to further levels of breakthrough and success.


For stakeholders like our customers, this is the HKBN difference – as it means that at any contact point with HKBN, a Co-Owner is likely within 1 or 2 layers of reach.

See who’s a Co-Owner

Meet our Co-Owners

Kenny Fong
Kenny FongCo-Owner and Manager –
Customer Service, Residential Solutions
The ‘Trust’ derived from Co-Ownership enables HKBN to empower us to make our own decisions – resulting in far better agility across the company. The Co-Owners mindset obliges us to ditch the legacy straitjackets in favour of innovation and disruptive growth.